Apr 25, 2023
Pat Flynn and Dan John, both fathers, discuss how to stay (or even get) fit when you have young kids.
PS - kettlebell workouts are a great option :) In fact, you can snag 101 free kettlebell workouts at http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com
Apr 18, 2023
Pat and Dan offer simple, practical steps for the person who suddenly "wakes up fat" ; )
For 101 FREE kettlebell workouts visit http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com
Apr 11, 2023
Pat and Dan discuss things they wish they knew when they first started working out.
For 101 free kettlebell workouts visit http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com
Apr 4, 2023
Pta and Dan discuss the best way to train if you're just a "regular guy".
For 101 free kettlebell workouts visit http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com