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The Pat Flynn Show

Aug 29, 2023

Pat and Dan discuss two cool substitutes for the bench press.

For 101 FREE kettlebell workouts visit 

Aug 28, 2023

Pat is joined by Luke Atchley, former attendee of the Strong ON! Certification, to discuss what one can expect at our certifcation event and why you should join us for the next in-person Strong ON! Certification THIS Septemeber.

For details and early bird registration, visit:

Aug 23, 2023

Pat and Aleks make the case for general physical preparedness over hyper-specialization for both lifting and life, then tell you all about the upcoming Strong ON! Certification.

You can sign up for the September Strong ON! Cert, and score the early bird discount, here:

Aug 15, 2023

Pat and Dan discuss little known (sometimes weird looking) exercises that are actually super useful.

For 101 free kettlebell workouts visit 

Aug 1, 2023

Pat and Dan offer their minimalist health advice.

For 101 free workouts visit