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The Pat Flynn Show

Sep 28, 2018

In this episode of Sunday School, Pat takes on the problem of pain.

In other words, if God exists, then why do bad things happen to good people?  

This is part 1 of 2. 

Sep 28, 2018

Pat talks about various forms of high volume training with kettlebells (including German volume training, and the ever-notorious Prometheus Protocol) for the purpose of gaining muscle. Does it make sense? And, if so, how should it be done?

Show Notes and Resources:

Prometheus Protocol: 

Sep 27, 2018

Science is a powerful enterprise. But it has it's limitations. In this episode, Pat talks about how to have the right expectations of science (especially with regards to fitness and nutrition) and what to do if you find yourself in a situation where somebody says "the science" contradicts a process--a fitness program,...

Sep 25, 2018

Pat asks Som what he thinks are the essential skills for being a successful business owner. Som answers Pat. A very fine discussion ensues. 


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Sep 24, 2018

Pat builds on a theme he discussed with Som in an upcoming episode: Why self awareness is crucial for leadership, even if you're only leading yourself. 


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